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workshop – Elizabeth Grab

Learning from Artists’ Archives ARLIS/SE Conference Presentation

In 2015, Erin Dickey, Kelsey Moen, and presented on the Learning from Artists’ Archives initiative for the ARLIS/SE regional conference in Atlanta, GA.

Embedded below is a copy of our slides.  To see the accompanying text, click the gear symbol and select Open Speaker Notes

2015 Archiving for Artists Workshop follow up: where are we now?

Now that our first Archiving for Artists workshop is six months gone, we’ve begun planning our next workshop in earnest, scheduled for 8 October at the Mint Museum.  To help us improve upon the successes and weaknesses of the 2015 workshop, I checked in with some of our previous attendees to see how they’re processing through and applying their workshop experience.  Alberto Ortega Rodas, Keanna Artis and Eric Serritella generously responded to my questions with thoughtful and revelatory answers. Continue reading “2015 Archiving for Artists Workshop follow up: where are we now?”

Archiving for Artists Workshop 2015: The Event Approaches

The first weekend in October looms just over the horizon.  The Archiving for Artists signs are being printed, the worksheets edited, and the workbook compiled.  Our final preparation is to refamiliarize ourselves with our upcoming audience.  To do so, we examined the applications of those who will be attending the workshop.

The group is diverse in their mediums, backgrounds and archival needs.  They have various expectations for what they will learn, from how to archive without a computer to how to archive their Web presence. Continue reading “Archiving for Artists Workshop 2015: The Event Approaches”